Review of Data Room Providers

When selecting a virtual storage room, it is important to evaluate a provider’s features to ensure they’re suited to your project’s requirements. In addition to the basic storage of files, look for security measures that include individual user permissions for users and multi-factor authentication sessions, session timeouts and geographical restrictions that stop data leaks and unauthorized access. Document security features include secure spreadsheet viewers, watermarking and mode of view-only that can restrict unwanted sharing and screenshots.

A VDR should include data hosting and storage with an encrypted internet connection and anti-virus scanners, as well as uptime guarantees and security certifications which can safeguard your company’s confidential data from cyber-attacks. Pricing models can allow you to pick from a flat rate per project or one based on the features, storage size and users.

The most popular online data rooms include iDeals, Intralinks and Ansarada. Users have praised iDeals for its easy-to use interface as well as desktop and mobile applications, multilingual support and video uploads. It’s not customizable and some users are unhappy with its steep learning curve.

Ansarada is the preferred partner in a variety of M&A transactions because of its reputation for security. Its security-first strategy includes a range of tools that safeguard confidential data during the M&A process. This includes granular permissions for users as well as a wide range of workflows based on roles. The pricing plans are also flexible.

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