Digital marketing is the term used to describe the use of online channels to promote and sell products or services. It includes a wide range activities, which include websites, social media, and mobile apps.

It’s a form of marketing that is displayed on your customers’ devices, and it’s at the heart of the majority of customer interactions today – even if those conversations are in person or via phone. Digital marketing includes tactics like email, social media and search engine optimization (SEO), website conversion rate optimization, and more.

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and it can appear as if a completely new set of rules apply to this new method of doing marketing. It’s not only about channels and platforms – it’s about ideas that last in digital (the importance of humanisation, content is the most valuable asset, etc.) and shiny technology that was once thought of as the future, but has since become mainstream.

It’s all about engaging with your customers in a large scale, through their preferred channels of communication, so that you can provide experiences that are tailored to their needs – from building relationships to increasing sales. That’s why digital marketing is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Even even if you don’t have an enormous budget you can connect with your customers and have an impact with the right tactics. We’ve compiled our top tips to help you get started.

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